Compliance Solution LLC
Working under high ambient heat
Working under hot weather can lead to heat stress, and may lead to heat stroke. Heat stroke is a medical emergency, which can lead to death. The body temperature has gone up (above 104F) but the skin stays dry. Why dry skin? The body does not have the ability to sweat anymore, which is the way to cool down. So, heat eventually builds up in the body. It is like cooking the brain slowly. Take the victim under the shade, and cool down with water. Call 911 for emergency medical service. Heat stroke fatality is preventable.
Annual Penalty Adjustments
For penalties issued after Jan 15, 2024, the maximum penalty for serious/other than serious/posting requirements violation is $16,131 per violation. Failure to abate violation is $16,131 per day beyond the abatement date. Willful or repeat violation is $161,323 per violation.
The annual adjustment is a result of the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvement Act of 2015. In general, failure to abate violation can get very expensive due to the possible daily penalty of $16,131.
If you receive a HIOSH/OSHA citation, please make sure you pay the penalty on time, and more importantly, abate the violation correctly. If you have any questions on abatement, please contact us at
Fatality at Mapleton foundry
What a shocking news that a worker fell into a pot of molten iron and got killed instantly because of lack of fall protection. Such fatality could have been prevent with necessary fall protection. Caterpillar , one of the biggest manufacturers of industrial vehicles and equipment, operates the foundry. The need for fall protection can be very obvious especially the pot of molten iron is only 4 feet away.
We have uploaded some pictures under Sydney-EHS signs. In Sydney, the social distance is only 1.5 meters, which is 4.9 feet. In the USA, we use 6 feet for social distance. Things can be different over there. Hand sanitizers are not that widely available in a shopping mall. A better menu in Costco there too.
Booster Dose
As of Nov 19, 2021, it was official that Hawaii Department of Health is recommending recipients of either Pfizer or Moderna vaccination get a booster dose it they are over the age of 50 or in long term care setting. For people younger than 50, they may get a booster dose as well. We have learned that some people have no adverse reactions after getting the booster. For some, they may have a fever and/or body ache that may last a day or two. I guess it all depends how your body reacts.
It is still a good idea to get the booster dose! Plus pandemic is not over yet.
We have uploaded lots of pictures under USA-EHS signs. Please check them out.
COVID-19 Data as on Sept 19, 2021
It is sad to say that the cumulative death increased to 714 from 529 in less than two months. Also the confirmed cases increased to 75480 from 40984. It was a big jump for both deaths and cases. Even Hawaii is one of the few states that have a high vaccination rate, which is 66.1%, about 153K people remain unvaccinated. Heathcare workers are overworked, and hospitals have been overwhelmed with new COVID19 cases. The last time we want to see is the medical ration, which may happen in Hawaii. Medical ration is happening in some part of Idaho already. If you have not received the vaccine, please get it ASAP for the love of your family.
It is true that vaccines do not work 100% all the time. There are cases that fully vaccinated individuals can get still the COVID-19. Some unfortunate individuals died from vaccines. So, why should you still get the shots? Look at the vaccination from the risk management perspective! How to reduce the risk of getting infected? Which situation is more risky: Getting the COVID-19, or getting the shots?
Population in Hawaii is about 1.4 million. As of July 27, there are a total of 40984 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with a death toll of 529, per Hawaii Department of Health. The infection rate is around 3%, and the death rate is around 0.04%.
Per Center of Disease Controls, 339 millions doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered from Dec 2020 to July 2021. It was reported that 6207 reports of death from the vaccinated individuals. The death rate is around 0.0018%. The cause of death may not be related to the vaccines. The actual death rate should be less.
So 0.04% vs 0.0018%, which one sounds better?
Surgical Mask vs Respirator
A surgical mask is to stop the saliva/water droplets. It cannot stop any virus, germs etc. It is not air tight either. The reason why a dentist dons a surgical mask is to catch any possible saliva/water droplets from the patient. For a respirator, it is to stop germs etc. Therefore it has to be air tight, which is a good seal between your face and the respirator. It is to ensure all the air will go through a filtering piece. A good seal is critical. Any facial hair or gap can render the respirator ineffective. We have seen people wearing a respirator with only one rubber band across the cheek, and one rubber band hanging under the chin – A sense of false security.
By the way, N in N95 respirator for Non-oil proof. You may see P100 or R99. P stands for oil proof, and R stands for oil resistant. If you cannot find N95 respirator in the market, P100, P99, R99 or R95 will do the job. Unless you are a medical professional, a surgical mask will be good enough.
Website Up and Running
We experienced some problems in the website. Now it is back to normal, and getting better.
Five years, not Three years, for OSHA Repeat Violations
In the old days, say, before 2015, OSHA could only go back three years for repeat violations. In those days, if you got cited a serious citation, you might just pay a small fine, and hoped you would not get a repeat citation in the following three years. Starting in 2015, OSHA might go back FIVE (5) years for repeat violations. Contesting a serious citation may become necessary because the potential for getting a repeat violation can cost a fortune, which can be as high as $129336. If you get cited a serious citation coming from a routine operation, you may want to review your safety policy and consider fighting the citation. That serious citation can become a very expensive repeat citation five years down the road.