Compliance Solution LLC

 About Compliance Solution LLC


We have CIH, CSP as well as former HIOSH compliance officer on staff.

A consultation business is as good as its personnel. For Compliance Solution, it is directed by a Certified Industrial Hygienist and Certified Safety Professional, Archie.

Archie is a Diplomate of the Academy of Industrial Hygiene. He has a Master of Science in Environmental Health Science from the University of Kansas, and a MBA from the University of Hawaii.

He was a disaster safety manager for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. You might have seen him in one of the major federally declared disaster sites. He was the lead safety manager for hurricanes Katrina and Rita when he was working in Baton Rouge, LA from late 2005 to early 2006.  He spent some time in Hawaii for severe storms in May 2006.  It rained non-stop for over 40 days.  His work was well recognized by the local government. In 2007, he served as a disaster safety officer at TOPOFF4, a national terrorism preparedness exercise in Guam. He was responsible for the coordination of safety and health related issues.  He conducted interagency safety committee meetings with representatives from EPA, OSHA, Coast Guards, etc.   He was the disaster safety officer for a major federally declared disaster in Indiana in April 2009.  He went to American Samoa on Sept 30, 2009, a day after the major earthquake and tsunami.  He had to go there via a US Coast Guard C-130 airplane, since commercial flights were not available til Oct 1st.  It was a very difficult but rewarding deployment.

He spent several years working as a compliance officer for the Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health Division (State OSHA), Department of Labor and Industrial Relations. He has developed both technical knowledge of OSHA standards and business skills to integrate safety and health practice into business.

For years, he explained OSHA regulations to executives from a manager’s perspective. Meanwhile, he explained the same regulations to hourly employees from their stand points. He can now help your business to stay in compliance and improve your bottom line by reducing work place injuries and accidents.

When you contact Compliance Solution for any industrial hygiene work, you know you deal with a CIH/CSP who knows his business.

Compliance Solution, LLC
P.O. Box 235366
Honolulu, HI 96823-3506

Email: Customer Services