Compliance Solution LLC
Sydney – EHS Signs

Fire Door - Do Not ObstructIt is an offense to block a fire exit. Way more informative than the ones in US 
Liquid Petroleum Gas tankThe first sign is no match, The second sign is no smoking. What is the third sign? 
Carbon dioxide fire extinguisherDo not com across carbon dioxide fire extinguishers for oil and electrical fires in US 
Reflective SuitReflective from head to toe. Very visible to traffic. Local speed should be around 25 mph.

Fire Door - Do Not Obstruct
It is an offense to block a fire exit. Way more informative than the ones in US

Liquid Petroleum Gas tank
The first sign is no match, The second sign is no smoking. What is the third sign?

Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher
Do not com across carbon dioxide fire extinguishers for oil and electrical fires in US

Reflective Suit
Reflective from head to toe. Very visible to traffic. Local speed should be around 25 mph.