Compliance Solution LLC Seoul, Korea – EHS Signs Very nice looking fire hydrantsPhoto taken nearby a shopping centerNo Smokingwithin 50 feet of an entrance. It is inside an US army base in Seoul.Flashlightsin an underground shopping centerStandard SafetyA flashlight and a small fire extinguisher are standard equipment in an office.In an ElevatorNote the warning signs on the back of an elevator door.Do You Know What It Is?It is some sort of air monitoring machine inside a subway station. If you can identify it, please let us know.In this Subway Station,there are two SCBAs and some escape masks available on the platform.More Instructionon the escape mask and self contained breathing apparatus.How to get awayfrom a subway car in an emergency.A Close-upof the mask storage bag.Are You Following?Here is the instruction to don the gas mask.Hand Sanitizerin a subway stationAnother Hand Sanitizerin a subway stationTruck carrying LPG tanksHand Washing PosterPhoto taken in a museum.Subway SignsMore signs on the platform floor.Another Fire CabinetThe fire cabinet blends in very well. The picture was taken in a very busy shopping center.This Fire Cabinetblends in very well. The picture was taken in a very busy shopping centerFire ProceduresHere are the subway fire procedures.SubwayMore signs inside a subway car.Fire ExtinguisherNote the fire extinguisher is kept inside a container on the ground. In US, the fire extinguisher must be hanged above the ground.For Fire & Emergency Call 119This picture was taken nearby a fish market.Warning SignWarning signs for overhead power lines on the way to Noryangjin fisheries wholesale market.Confidence in HACCPEvacuation Mapfor a subway stationEmergency StairwayHow to set up an emergency stairway connecting the track and the platform.Emergency LadderA ladder for connecting the platform and rail.In This Subway Station,there are two SCBAs and some escape masks available on the platform.In a Subway Platform,you can follow this sign to the escape mask shelf.Escalator SignStand firmly while standing on an escalator.