Compliance Solution LLC
Seoul, Korea – EHS Signs

Do You Know What It Is?It is some sort of air monitoring machine inside a subway station. If
you can identify it, please let us know. 
Another Fire CabinetThe fire cabinet blends in very well. The picture was taken in a very busy shopping center. 
Fire ExtinguisherNote the fire extinguisher is kept inside a container on the ground. In US, the fire extinguisher must be hanged above the ground.

Do You Know What It Is?
It is some sort of air monitoring machine inside a subway station. If
you can identify it, please let us know.

Another Fire Cabinet
The fire cabinet blends in very well. The picture was taken in a very busy shopping center.

Fire Extinguisher
Note the fire extinguisher is kept inside a container on the ground. In US, the fire extinguisher must be hanged above the ground.